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Verify the proof on-chain

In order to complete the State Transition process it is necessary to verify the proof inside the State.sol contract.

The transitState public function of the contract takes the proof generated in the previous section and verifies it on-chain. On verification, the identities mapping associated with the ID that is executing the transition gets updated.

The executable code can be found here


  1. Add Mumbai Network inside your hardhat.config.js

    networks: {
       mumbai: {
          url: `${process.env.ALCHEMY_MUMBAI_URL}`,
          accounts: [`0x${process.env.MUMBAI_PRIVATE_KEY}`],
  2. Add State.sol contract inside the contracts folder

  3. Import the state contract from the existing Mumbai testnet address

    const contract = await hre.ethers.getContractAt("State", "0x46Fd04eEa588a3EA7e9F055dd691C688c4148ab3");
  4. Add inputs from the proof generated in the previous section

    const id = "0x00e00c0ee273921f3aa97ba2de5480f140b17e2d35943a8f17a7f45aa04f0000"
    const oldState = "0x0ee273921f3aa97ba2de5480f140b17e2d35943a8f17a7f45aa04fb715a18685"
    const newState = "0x2ba2ba06e0fec5e71fb55019925946590743750a181744fe8eeb8da62e0709db"
    const isOldStateGenesis = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001"
    const a = ["0x2b256e25496ac8584bf5714d347821cf9ac8f2472310306033d1ebd4613d12e9", "0x2cca3d40ba395135a38b4ac8c6f8daf81e968ab7082d26d778a82aad9c39d8e3"]
    const b = [["0x2b92b4fc713b659225bfc2b2560b4a1af7901b2a5ee4a3ed07465a88f70e71b3", "0x241ce1ba397c4e1d65059779cacf30fd8d977ed89e6964fa4aa84daec7965254"],["0x27099d3f5cac46fa58c031913c5cd68e24634e9d80281a3d0c0c091bdf574786", "0x08df6f588353293a926660cb1b65a13ad8c5094a42e76dc46d2963ca1cacc096"]]
    const c = ["0x0873f0c6ad05f760775b74a8a6e391beb5b5d3a040a3259f6f5c2429b9d37f8d", "0x15ff3cb9c37c9a07b0fdb2f24cad7bf56adc632c625d9d236841676d731f661b"]
  5. Fetch identity state before state transition

    let identityState0 = await contract.getState(id);
    // 0
  6. Execute state transition function

    await contract.transitState(id, oldState, newState, isOldStateGenesis, a, b, c);
  7. Fetch identity state after state transition

    let identityState1 = await contract.getState(id);
    // 19736965623849496899943145128310994086117058864343685620577405145725675178459

Congratulations! You have successfully completed the identity state transition.

Starting from the identifier, people will be able to track the status of an identity in a timestamped and tamper-proof way. The identifier remains fixed for the entire existence of an identity, while the identity state changes every time an identity gets updated, for example, while issuing a new claim. As we'll see in the next section, every ZK proof generated from an identity will be checked against the identity state published on-chain.

It is important to underline that:

  • The mapping that associates an identifier with its current identity state is the only piece of information stored on-chain.
  • Starting from the identifier and the identity state, it is impossible to retrieve any information stored in the identity trees, for example, reading the content of a claim (which is stored off-chain).
  • There is no association between the Ethereum key used to execute the state transition and the Identifier associated with someone's identity.
  • There is no association between the ECDSA (Elliptical Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) key pair associated with the Ethereum address that executes the State Transition and the Baby Jubjub key pair which is used to control an identity.