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State Transition means moving from one identity state to another. An Identity State Transition happens when an identity adds a new claim, updates a claim or revokes a claim.

The State Transtion is executed inside a circuit. The stateTransition circuit encodes a set of rules that must be respected to complete the state transition such as:

  • The prover is the owner of the identity (checked using a digital signature by the private key corresponding the authClaim)
  • The authClaim hasn't been revoked.

The identity state gets updated by calling the transitState function. To call this function, it is necessary to pass in the proof generated previously.

On verification, the identities mapping gets updated associating the ID with a new IdS.

This tutorial is split in 3 parts:

  1. Modify Identity State
  2. Generate State Transition Proof
  3. Verify the proof on-chain